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NHS EPUTs Cardiac Brochure



The Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUTS) is the largest Trust of its kind, providing community health, mental health and learning disability services to roughly 3.2 million people living across Bedfordshire, Essex and Suffolk.


Following a creative rebrand for NHS EPUTS, they needed the new brand identity to be translated out into their various communications & materials. This brochure is for their Cardiac rehabilitation programme that helps to guide someone who has been through a cardiac procedure. It covers a wide range of steps that can help someone get back on their feet, including a complete exercise guide with visual guidelines; an education section where you can get your head around all the different medications and a relaxation/visualisation sections that explores topics such as meditation and hypnosis.


Utilising the new brand identity with the punchy new colours, this 60 page brochure makes it easy and fun to engage in the rehabilitation programme, allowing for a fun and engaging process to allow the patient the best possible road to recovery.

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